ryan kim and marc pashin founders at bellarmine college prep
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Our story

Our story started our freshman year at Bellarmine when we met in class and talked what we would be doing for our semester service project. We both mentored kids at our home schools but realized that there's a bigger need at the junior high schools nearby our campus where the test scores and socio-economic status is much lower. We were both fortunate enough to get supplemental math education during our formative junior high school years yet many of the students nearby barely have the resources to attend school. We knew we could make a difference in our local communities and this is where STEM for Others was born.

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Our story

As U.S. math scores have reached their lowest levels in decades, our education system is at a crossroad where we are not preparing our students to compete at the global level. The issue is even more pronounced for Black, Latino, and socio-economically disadvantaged families as the disparity in STEM education widens as they face substantial hurdles in accessing quality learning opportunities.

We believe that advancement in STEM is the greatest equalizer that creates the greatest opportunities for upward mobility. Our mission at STEM for Others is to make a concerted effort into providing deeper STEM education to our local communities. By implementing targeted programs and resources, focusing on equitable access to STEM education, the pathway to success can be paved. These initiatives should offer comprehensive support systems, including mentorship, specialized learning tools, and community involvement. Empowering disadvantaged families with stronger STEM foundations levels the academic playing field and cultivates essential skills to for future employability.
STEM for Others School
STEM For Others School
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STEM for Others School


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We believe that education is the most powerful tool to uplift individuals and communities. We see STEM as a gateway to higher education and future opportunities, and we are committed to providing the resources and support needed to ensure every student can access and excel in math.

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By fostering a deep understanding of science, technology, engineering, and math, we enable students to approach challenges with confidence, resilience, and creativity, allowing them to shape their future.

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As students, we believe it is our responsibility to recognize and address problems in our communities. STEM For Others allows us to care for our peers and carve the pathway for future student leaders.

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We are dedicated to creating an inclusive learning environment where every student, regardless of their background, feels valued, respected, and encouraged to reach their full potential. We strive these eliminate barriers by providing equal opportunity to learning.

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Our organization is built on the foundations of mentorship. By fostering intrapersonal student-mentor relationships, we guide students on their educational journey.