Achyutan Veeraraghavan

Achyutan Veeraraghavan

Chapter President

Portland, OR

About Achyutan

Hello! I am Achyutan Veeraraghavan, a sophomore at Sunset High School and the chapter president for Portland, Oregon. I have always been interested in STEM topics, specifically math and coding, from a young age. I also got many opportunities to compete at the state and national levels to show my skills. I also recognize that not all students have opportunities like this, due to either their background, falling behind in school, or other personal reasons. Due to this, I want to help contribute to STEM for Others and their mission: to equalize education and learning for all, so that school students can strive to be successful in college and beyond. I am currently running a club at Kinnaman Elementary School, teaching the kids about coding (specifically in Scratch and Python).

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