Apr 11, 2024

Castillero Middle Weekly Review (3/2/24)

Castillero Middle Weekly Review (3/2/24)

STEM for Others Update at Castillero Middle

Hi Cobras! 

This week was the first week back from ski week. Even though though it was the first week, there were plenty of students (roughly 20) that I helped with math. I recognized many faces but also saw a few that I hope to meet in the future. Many students had now moved onto geometry, learning about how to find the area and circumference of a circle. For most students it was pretty easy to figure out the circumference, but many got stuck on finding the area because they would interpret the "radius squared" as multiplying the radius by two which would just lead to the circumference. I was able to help them by reminding them what it means when someone is squared.

In addition, I talked to one of the heads at Castillero about an engineering program. The program would occur every few weeks and in the program students would learn how to build designs that would help achieve challenges. Even though I love the homework help center, I feel that this engineering program will better help students become exposed to STEM, the goal of STEM For Others. If you want to help us, consider donating so that we can afford supplies for these programs and give these students a quality STEM education.