Apr 11, 2024

Castillero Middle Weekly Review (3/21/24)

Castillero Middle Weekly Review (3/21/24)

STEM for Others Update at Castillero Middle

Hi Cobras! Today I came to Castillero to help with their homework help center. Once again, we had 20+ students. Today was pretty basic, I helped students with their homework including geometry problems. A lot of students were learning triangles such as the differences between scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles. There was a specific homework problem that stumped a particular student. It listed the lengths of all three sides of the triangle, and asked whether or not it was a valid triangle. The trick is, you have to add up two of the sides and make sure that the sum of the two sides is greater than the third side, and keep doing that with all 3 variations of adding two and comparing it to the other. I'm not sure if it is because they didn't teach it well in class, because the problem wasn't that the problem was hard (haha), but that this idea of two sides being greater than the third was simply forgotten. That is why these programs are so crucial in reinforcing and making sure that students truly understand the topic, not just given a lecture and do some homework. After the session, she completely understood and knew how to solve the rest of the problems after I taught the basic idea (or so I hope). Anyways, it was a good day and I will see you next week Cobras!