Apr 11, 2024

STEM For Others is a Presidential Award Organization!

STEM For Others is a Presidential Award Organization!

STEM for Others Certified for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award

As of today, STEM For Others is a certified organization with the Presidential Award! This means that volunteers in our organization are eligible to receive a bronze, silver, or gold medal as well as a certificate signed from the President himself! The current program began in 2002 by George W. Bush, and since then, has gave hundreds of US citizens the opportunity to volunteer and demonstrate leadership in their community. For volunteers below the age of 16, contributing 100 hours to STEM For Others will give you the gold medal, a prestigious national award given to a select amount of people every year.

For our current volunteers, we would start counting hours right now, which means that this is the best time for new volunteers who want this award to join and help our mission in giving socioeconomically disadvantaged students a STEM education through afterschool programs. If you are interested, click the become a mentor button at the top right corner to join!